Dependency Injection (DI) containers, such as Unity or DryIoc, help manage the creation and lifetime of object dependencies in C#. They facilitate the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle, allowing you to focus on writing clean, maintainable code without worrying about the complexities of instantiating dependencies manually. How DI Containers Work? Registration: You define which concrete classes should be used to fulfill specific interface contracts. This allows the DI container to know what to instantiate when a class requests a particular dependency. Resolution: When an instance of a class is requested, the DI container looks at the registered services, resolves the dependencies, and creates the object with the required dependencies injected. Lifetime Management: The container manages the lifecycle of the dependencies. You can specify whether instances should be singleton (one instance for the entire application), transient (a new instance each time), or scoped (one ...
public partial class First: UserControl
public First(FirstViewModel viewModel)
DataContext = viewModel;
class FirstViewModel
public FirstViewModel(IRegionManager iregionManager)
{ NavigateCommand = new DelegateCommand(Nevigate);
IregionManager = iregionManager;
private void Nevigate()
IregionManager.RequestNavigate("MainContent", "Second");
public ICommand NavigateCommand { get; }
public IRegionManager IregionManager { get; }
public ICommand NavigateCommand { get; }
public IRegionManager IregionManager { get; }
To navigate between these Views we need to register these views, for this we need to Implement IModule interface.
Here's how you can implement it:
class MainModule : IModule
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
var region = containerProvider.Resolve<IRegionManager>(); region.RegisterViewWithRegion("MainContent", typeof(Main)); //here i register the MainContent region of Main.xaml
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
In this Post i will explain the pagination using the MVVM pattern. Lets first create the View with DataGrid and pagination control with First, Previous, Next and Last buttons and we will also have the number of record per page to be displayed in DataGrid option which is ComboBox and in this DataGrid i will load data from CSV file. View I will create the view with DataGrid like this And in this DataGrid i will load data from CSV file <Window x:Class="CURD.Views.EmployeeDetails" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:CURD.Views" mc:Ignorable="d" Title="E...
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