
Showing posts with the label Modern UI in WPF

Mastering Modern UI: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Metro UI in WPF

To create metro ui you first have to install "Mahapps.metro" from NuGet.To install it right click on project and click on manage NuGet and type Mahapps.metro you will get this package you have to install from here.Now you are ready to create metro ui.Now open you Mainwindow.xaml and add one namespace like bellow xmlns:Controls="clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro"  and replace  Window  to  Controls:MetroWindow Now your Mainwindow.xaml become <Controls:MetroWindow x:Class="ProjectName.MainWindow"           xmlns= ""           xmlns:x=""           xmlns:Controls="clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro"           Title="MainWindow"           H eight="600"           Width="800">   <!-- your content --> </Con