How Dependency Injection Containers Work in C#?

Dependency Injection (DI) containers, such as Unity or DryIoc, help manage the creation and lifetime of object dependencies in C#. They facilitate the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle, allowing you to focus on writing clean, maintainable code without worrying about the complexities of instantiating dependencies manually.

How DI Containers Work?


You define which concrete classes should be used to fulfill specific interface contracts. This allows the DI container to know what to instantiate when a class requests a particular dependency.


When an instance of a class is requested, the DI container looks at the registered services, resolves the dependencies, and creates the object with the required dependencies injected.

Lifetime Management: 

The container manages the lifecycle of the dependencies. You can specify whether instances should be singleton (one instance for the entire application), transient (a new instance each time), or scoped (one instance per request).

Here’s a simple example to demonstrate how to use the DryIoc container:

Step 1: Define Interfaces and Implementations

public interface IMessageService


    void SendMessage(string message);


public class EmailService : IMessageService


    public void SendMessage(string message)


        Console.WriteLine($"Sending Email: {message}");



Step 2: Set Up the DryIoc Container

using System;

using DryIoc;

class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        // Step 3: Create the DryIoc Container

        var container = new Container();

        // Step 4: Register the type

        container.Register<IMessageService, EmailService>();

        // Step 5: Resolve the dependency

        var messageService = container.Resolve<IMessageService>();

        messageService.SendMessage("Hello from DryIoc Dependency Injection!");




  • Flexible Lifetime Management

Containers allow to specify how long the objects should live:

  • Singleton: One instance for the entire application.
  • Transient: A new instance every time it's requested.
  • Scoped: An instance per request (often used in web applications).
  • Contextual Registration: Containers can register different implementations based on context, such as different services for development and production.
  • Open/Closed Principle: You can extend the functionality of your application by simply registering new services without modifying existing code.
  • Interception and Decorators: Supports method interception, allowing you to add additional behavior to existing services (e.g., logging) without modifying the original implementation.

Benefits of Using Dependency Injection Containers

  • Loose Coupling: By relying on interfaces rather than concrete implementations, you promote loose coupling between components. This makes your codebase more modular and easier to change.
  • Improved Testability: DI containers make it easy to swap real services with mocks during unit tests. You can inject mock services when testing components, ensuring that you can test functionality in isolation.
  • Centralized Dependency Management: With all registrations in one place, it’s easier to see what dependencies exist in the application and how they relate to each other.
  • Reduced Boilerplate Code: Containers handle the instantiation of dependencies, reducing the boilerplate code needed for object creation and dependency management.
  • Lifecycle Management: Containers help manage the lifetimes of objects automatically, which can prevent memory leaks and ensure proper disposal of resources.


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