
Showing posts from 2018

Difference between object,var, dynamic in C#

1. object,var,dynamic can store any type of value.object and dynamic no need to initilize at the time of declaration but var should be initilize at the time of declaration. 2. object is not type safe because compiler has little information about type. dynamic is not type safe because compiler does not have any information about type. var is type safe beacuse compiler have all information about stored value. 3. object and dynamic can be passed as method arguments and also a method can return object ,dynamic type. but var can't be pass as method arguments and also no method can return var type.

What is the Default Values for HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment ?

Controls have different default values for the HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties. Default values for HorizontalContentAlignment / VerticalContentAlignment for the most common controls are listed below. Button – Center, Center Calendar – Left, Top CheckBox – Left, Top ComboBox – Left, Top ContextMenu – Left, Center DataGrid – Left, Top DatePicker – Stretch, Top Expander – Stretch, Stretch GroupBox – Left, Top Label – Left, Top ListBox – Left, Center Menu – Left, Top PasswordBox – Left, Top ProgressBar – Left, Top RadioButton – Left, Top RepeatButton – Center, Center RichTextBox – Left, Top Slider – Left, Top StatusBar – Left, Top TabControl – Center, Center TextBox – Left, Top TreeView – Left, Center

What is namespace in c# ?

Namespaces in C# are used to organize classes.To access the class of a namespace, we need to use namespacename.classname. namespace is designed for providing a way to keep one set of names separate from another. The class names declared in one namespace does not conflict with the same class names declared in another. To define a namespace we need to use "namespace". eg.   namespace NamespaceName  {       class className      {      }  }   namespace WpfWorld Namespace  {       class WpfWorld      {      }  } if we want to use  WpfWorld class in another class then we have to add  WpfWorld Namespace to that class by using Keyword. using  WpfWorld Namespace;   namespace Ex Namespace  {       class Ex      {        var obj WpfWorld = new  WpfWorld();      }  }

What is Sealed class?

Sealed class is a class that prevents the class from being inherited by other class.Sealed class can have Sealed Methods.Sealed method can't be override.To create a Sealed class we need to add Sealed modifier before class keywords. eg. sealed class MySealedClass { } Sealed class can be a derived class but can't be a base class.A sealed class cannot be an abstract class. Because abstract class has to provide functionality and here we are restricting it to inherit. One of the best usage of sealed classes is when you have a class with static members.

Why is C# used?

C# is used for many reasons, but the benefits of the Microsoft CLR tool set and a large developer community are two main draws to the language. C# is one of several programming languages that target the Microsoft CLR , which automatically gives it the benefits of cross-language integration and exception handling, enhanced security , a simplified model for component interaction, and debugging and profiling services. The strict type checking in C#, both at compile and run times, results in the majority of typical C# programming errors being reported as early as possible.In C# programming, however, that decision is made by the programmer who wrote the object, not by the programmer who instantiates the object and assigns it to a variable.

What is the difference between C++ and C#?

C++ and C# are two completely different languages, despite similarities in name and syntax. C# was designed to be somewhat higher-level than C++, and the two languages also take different approaches to details like who determines whether a parameter is passed by reference or by value.

What is C#

C# is an object oriented, strongly-typed language. The strict type checking in C#, both at compile and run times, results in the majority of typical C# programming errors being reported as early as possible, and their locations pinpointed quite accurately.In C Sharp programming, however, that decision is made by the programmer who wrote the object, not by the programmer who instantiates the object and assigns it to a variable.C# is one of several programming languages that target the Microsoft CLR, which automatically gives it the benefits of cross-language integration and exception handling, enhanced security, a simplified model for component interaction, and debugging and profiling services.

What is MVVM ?

M->Model V->View VM->View Model MVVM is nothing but architectural pattern used in software engineering.MVVM prescribes separating the nonvisual classes that encapsulate interaction logic, business logic and data from the visual classes that actually render things to the screen. This separation makes the code easier to maintain: first, it prevents the UI from becoming a monolithic class with display controls, interaction logic and business logic all stuffed in side by side; and second, it enables you to automate the testing of interaction logic and user interface mappings instead of relying on expensive, unreliable manual testing.  It also helps to facilitate a 'lookless' view, where the visual design can be changed without changing the code. In MVVM, instead of writing C# or Visual Basic code to directly set and get properties of controls in the view, you create a view model which represents the information being presented in the view, and use data binding to kee

What is a MetroWindow?

The default  MetroWindow  is made up of following components: 1.Title bar 2.WindowCommand 3.Resize Grip  4.Window icon WindowCommand You can add your own controls to  LeftWindowsCommands  or  RightWindowsCommands  - by default, buttons have a style automatically applied to them to make them fit in with the rest of the  WindowsCommands . As of 0.9, you are no longer limited to just buttons, but any control. Be aware, you’re responsible for styling anything other than buttons. To know more about MetroWindow  visit

Mastering Modern UI: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Metro UI in WPF

To create metro ui you first have to install "Mahapps.metro" from NuGet.To install it right click on project and click on manage NuGet and type Mahapps.metro you will get this package you have to install from here.Now you are ready to create metro ui.Now open you Mainwindow.xaml and add one namespace like bellow xmlns:Controls="clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro"  and replace  Window  to  Controls:MetroWindow Now your Mainwindow.xaml become <Controls:MetroWindow x:Class="ProjectName.MainWindow"           xmlns= ""           xmlns:x=""           xmlns:Controls="clr-namespace:MahApps.Metro.Controls;assembly=MahApps.Metro"           Title="MainWindow"           H eight="600"           Width="800">   <!-- your content --> </Con

Building Your First WPF Application with C#

Click on File > New > Project menu option one dialog box will be displayed. here in left panel you have to choose c#. in middle panel you have to choose WPF Application. Give the project a name in the name field and click the OK button. Bydefault two files are created,one is the XAML file which is Mainwindiw.xaml and the other is the CS file which is Mainwindow.cs. In mainwindow.xaml, you will see two sub-windows, one is the design window and the other one is the source window. In WPF application, there are two ways to design an UI for your application. One is to simply drag and drop UI elements from the toolbox to the Design Window. The second way is to design your UI by writing XAML tags . In mainwindow.xaml file, the following XAML tags are written by default. <Window x: Class="ProjectName.MainWindow" xmlns = "" xmlns:x = "

Why we should use xaml in Wpf ?

The specific advantage that XAML brings to WPF is that XAML is a completely declarative l anguage, allowing the developer (or designer) to describe the behavior and integration of components without the use of  procedural programming . Although it is rare that an entire application will be built completely in XAML, the introduction of XAML allows application designers to more effectively contribute to the application development cycle. Using  XAML  to develop user interfaces also allows for separation of model and view, which is considered a good architectural principle.  " XAML is used when we have two systems which are in heterogeneous in WPF internal representation is if we create the UI in XAML than it can be render on windows application,web application inside browser. "

Exploring the Advantages of Windows Presentation Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a powerful framework for developing desktop applications on the Microsoft .NET platform. It provides developers with a wide range of features and benefits that make it a popular choice for building modern, visually appealing, and interactive user interfaces. In this post, we will explore the advantages of WPF and why you should consider using it for your next desktop application development project. Advantages of WPF: Rich User Interface: WPF allows developers to create visually stunning user interfaces with rich graphics, animations, and multimedia elements. It provides extensive support for vector-based graphics, hardware acceleration, and layout flexibility, allowing for the creation of beautiful and responsive desktop applications with a modern look and feel. XAML-based Markup: WPF uses XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) for defining the user interface, which is a declarative markup language similar to HTML. This makes it easy t

Understanding the Power of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Windows Presentation Foundation ( WPF ) is a graphical subsystem developed by Microsoft for creating rich and interactive user interfaces (UIs) for Windows desktop applications. It's part of the .NET framework and provides a flexible and powerful way to design and build modern Windows applications with stunning visuals, smooth animations, and advanced UI functionalities. WPF uses a declarative markup language called XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) to define the UI layout, appearance, and behavior. XAML allows developers to create UI elements, such as buttons, text boxes, and images, and specify their properties and events in a concise and readable format. One of the key advantages of WPF is its powerful data binding capabilities, which enable developers to easily bind UI elements to data sources, such as databases or objects, and automatically update the UI when the underlying data changes. This makes it easy to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces that adap